Create an account

On the page create account you can crete an account. An account is needed in order to sign up for at competition

Help to creating of the account

  • First name: mandatory
  • Surname: mandatory
  • Email: You mush have access to this email accout, since we are sending an activation email to it. If you can't find the activation email, please have a look in your spam filter first.
  • Adresse: mandatory
  • Zip & City: mandatory
  • Club: Everyone needs to belong to a club

Fogotton passord

Get your password in a mail by using this page Forgotton password

Sign up

Sign Up is simple. Use the belows steps as a guideline

  1. On Regatta overview the regatta is selected
  2. Click the Sign up button.
  3. If asked to login. then do so, in upper right corner
  4. Sign up of team (must be repeated for each team)
    1. Click on the race in the first column
    2. Click the Create Rower button to add rowers to your club (second column)
    3. Select Rower in the second column
    4. Click Sign up to complete the team (third column)
    5. Teams can be deleted in the fourth column

When everything fails

You are welcome to write to if something does not work. remember to write as prcise as possible, then it get easier to give correct help..